
With over 3,3 billion users worldwide

Internet is the worlds largest mission field.

This site wants to give ideas and resources

to help you share the gospel of Jesus online.

Our times most important tool for evangelism

Sharing the gospel online


The Lord deserves love and worship from the humanity that Christ shed his blood for. Everyone needs Christ. And it’s a human right — our birthright — to hear about him. When we have gotten to know God and are living lives that bring glory to him, it becomes our joyful task to share the gospel with those who don’t yet know him. The most effective way of sharing our faith with people is by forming close relationships with them. When you like and trust someone you become interested in them and what your friend has to say. It’s our love, not our intelligence or eloquence that makes the biggest impact on the lives of others.

There are many tools that can aid us in sharing the Good News. Of all these tools available to help us in our witness, the internet is without doubt the most powerful one! Yet at the same time the least used. People all over the world are online. Many of them live their lives more on the internet then in the ‘real world’.

Using the internet to share the gospel costs very little and can reach potentially huge numbers of people — even those living in closed countries where it is not easy for missionaries to enter. Unfortunately, the christian church has not recognized the power in using the internet!


While a christian presence on the Net has become more common it is usually limited to church websites and blogs or forums for those who are already believers. Few use the internet as a tool to reach people with the gospel. But cults, teachers of heresy and islamists are very active in spreading their beliefs online, and this has resulted in the growth of these groups.

The few christian groups and individuals that are really active online tend to be bitter or antagonistic, focusing on the faults of other churches and leaders, or on fanciful speculations about the antichrist and the end times. Others throw hate at Islam, New Age, society etc. Instead of leading people to salvation and a life in Christ, this kind of behavior creates disgust among many people.


It is time for us as the Church of Christ to begin sharing the gospel online. This website is about helping you, your friends, and your church, along the way.

What you can do

The best tools and websites for sharing the gospel have probably not been invented yet. Maybe God wants you to create them?

Something to think about when sharing your faith online.

Subjects which you can write and speak about.

Some suggestions of good websites and materials you can use when sharing the gospel online — and for building up your own faith.

This site is a ministry of All Nations, Sweden.

We are an evangelical mission organisation focusing on mission mobilisation and the least reached people groups.

For questions or information please contact us at: info@allnations.se